
          	So I'm not gonna edit my stories anymore. Like, maybe one or two once in a while, but as far as I know, I'm not gonna edit them. I might start a new Fana fanfic soon (Kana x Fynn) but I'm not sure yet.
          	So ya. Bai


@heyy_cienna thanks  for voting on my chapter


Hey. So I know I've been only updating "Heart Puzzle" recently, and it's only because I'm having huge Writers Block on my other stories. Don't worry, I'm not gonna end them. I plan not abandoning a story. If you see that I haven't updated on something in a long time, it's because of either I'm busy, or I'm just having Writers Block. If I was to just abandon a story, I will let you know. Yes, for "Your Hand Was Meant to Fit Mine" I know I said I was probably done, but I'm not. I will get to that story soon, along with "Positive Vibes". Thanks for understanding. Oh, and I might start a new story soon. :)