
My 13 year old self did not know the difference between a joint and a blunt ah so innocent. 


I sincerely apologize for being disappointing as an author for those of you who have been awaiting an update for so long, and those of you who have requested one shots. I'm surprised I have as many followers as I do, meaning many of you have stayed, and I've even gotten more followers recently (thank you) even though I haven't written anything in a while. It's difficult for me to say why I've had no motivation, but I'm going to attribute it to my random flares of mental illness, and school, and family, and friends, and impractical procrastination that's plaguing my even as I write this message. Writing about a band/bands that I haven't had much interest in in a while is also difficult, though I do still consider myself to be a fan of them, but not in a way that I can write about them easily. 
          So, having said that, I am going to discontinue my current stories and more than likely delete them. This account will become somewhere I will occasionally post stories that I come up with, probably not fanfic, and if any they will not be about 5SOS or One Direction, or any band really, because I've been more into reading about TV shows and anime that I've watched (I write what I read). If you decide to stick around to see what else I have to offer, then thank you, if not then thank you for reading my stories, but I understand if you unfollow me. That's all I have to say for now. 


I'm actually really sorry nothing I promised got done this summer (once again....) But I've been kinda really sick and I've ended up in the hospital a couple times so I've really had no time. I'm actually so sorry that I keep saying I'll update and nothing happens.
          To be honest I've grown pretty far from 5sos and everything this past year or whatever so its been a bit difficult to write as well. I still love them but I'm just not.... As into it I suppose. But I'm going to try to finish something, sometime, as soon as I possibly can. 
          Thanks for your amazing support and everything, I'm sorry I'm pretty disappointing. 


Just an update the I AM still writing! Just very slow going... I started a new job and this summer has been busy busy busy. Also, I've been staying at my dads a lot, and he doesn't have WiFi so its been difficult to find a good time to write. Hopefully some updates will come soon though. 
          In other news: I'll be at warped the 24th, and I'm seeing tøp on the 29th, so if you're at either and see me hmu. (Most likely my hair will still be purple so I shouldn't be too hard to spot haha).


I love reading sexswap/cisswap fics sometimes but I can never find the ones I want. Like, I just wanna read some well written fem!Killua (hxh) fanfiction, is that too much to ask? (All I'm finding is fem!Gon, and tbh I don't seeeee it).


@heyydream and all the art I'm finding for Killua is so cutesy and adorable and ??? HE WAS AN ASSASSIN GIVE ME THE GORE. I WANNA SEE FEM!KILLUA RIP A GUYS HEART OUT WITH HER BARE HANDS. 