Omg guys ok so omg guys ok so yesterday I was talking about this weird perv girl who used to like me (like she was being really weird like she told me to suck her big fat c- and told me to get on my knees (she’s trans) so I was talking about it and my dad heard me and I told him not about the get in your knees thing but I told him taht she just kept on following me to my classes and called me babe then he said “I knew she was gay” (I used to be bisexual but now I’m straight lmao) but my mom heard and she said she isn’t gay and then I said I wasn’t gay too and then my dad said yeah but I don’t care I will always support you then I said thank you but I’m not gay dad and then my mom said “well I won’t” (like she doesn’t want me to be gay, also if anyone sees this please don’t criticize my mother I still love her deeply she has a few gay friends too) but like my sister kept on calling her my gf as a joke so that’s why my dad said that and my mom and dad has been going on and off about me being gay since like 2020 which I wasn’t at taht time (I became bisexual in 2021-2022 prob because I was a hella tomboy and still kinda am) I’ve just lost Interest in girls lmao expecially the ones here always rude and fake (some) just me rambling lmao maybe it’s because I’m not in school but ya ✨