
hello everybody! I have officially posted the first chapter of my new fanfiction, Let the Music Do the Talking. it's a bit different, but hopefully you guys will enjoy it! 
          	-erin xx


hello everyone! after years (I believe) of not being active, I have finally been convinced to post a new story. I know some of our followers are not fanfiction readers, but if you are please read it. it would mean the world to me(: 


hello fans! I have noticed that no one notices I have some other stories up. if you could possibly read them, that would be great! if you do, please comment or vote. I need just as much support as Amanda seeing as I also own this account. all of our fans read Amanda's stuff, so please also read my stories. thanks! comment below and have a great rest of your summer!
          -Erin <3


Under the Midnight Sky will probably not be updated for a little while.  I'm going to be really busy for the next month or so, and I'm going to outline the rest of the story, and sometime after that the next chapter will be up.  Sorry for the wait that will most likely continue to be long.