Hey there, dear reader.
I hope you'll be having the best time Of your life when the message finds you.
Thank you so much for reading Fleeting Glances, I am truly happy seeing you read my work.
I hope you would have liked Aria and Adam as much as I do.
Thank you so much for your precious time over them.
Besides Fleeting Glances I have two other books,
One is Mending Secrets, it's the first book of the Mending series. If you decide to come across the pages of Mending Secrets you'll dive into the web of secrets – of past hearts and second chances, mending everything all together.
(It rhymes so well isn't it?)
And it has some flirty moments tooo.
The other one is words from within, it's not actually a book, it's my rant book (if that's what it's called) where I share my opinions over books and my dramatic thoughts over life, maybe you could resonate with them.
Some virtual hugs to you