
this message may be offensive
I realized I'm to ugly for any of you to understand... And supposedly I'm a homo... And I have fucked every guy on the planet... Well you know what these words hurt... And I just have to say fuck you, for hurting me.... and fuck you for leaving me... Just fuck you


this message may be offensive
I realized I'm to ugly for any of you to understand... And supposedly I'm a homo... And I have fucked every guy on the planet... Well you know what these words hurt... And I just have to say fuck you, for hurting me.... and fuck you for leaving me... Just fuck you


Bellie boo. I love your stories... And I realized a lot of them are about me. I love you... Don't forget that! Stay strong, even if I can't! Bc I know u can, you've been doing it, I hate to say it but your stronger than me, that's why I call u when I'm freaking out. I trust you! I love you !