
Hey yall. I’m not dead lmao 


Sorry everyone for scaring or freaking anyone out. It’s been a rough couple weeks. I feel betrayed by people I love and people just think I’m this overreacting freak. Maybe I am at this point. People who I think are my true friends aren’t, people who think love me for me don’t. I hate to say it but I’m alone. I have thoughts I don’t want, I want to be happy, find love, find peace with myself and i can’t..
          I have two big exams tomorrow so wish me luck. I love you all. ❤️


Hi guys
          I love you all very much. Times are a little hard at the moment. I feel sad and alone once again, I feel like I annoy everyone around me and ruin friendships. No wonder why no guy wants me right? 
          As promised I kept my discussion board as my diary/venting place. College just changes you..you know? You lose friends, you get judged, you fail, you cry…and that’s all been happening to me. And it’s like you know..when your a quiet person the moment you talk your a nervous breakdown, because you don’t know what your going to say and how people react and if they judge you for your looks, personality, everything. 
          Feels like no one in my life wants to just..listen. And in no ways am I directing this to my online fiends, I’m sorry I vent to y’all everyday, you keep me sane, you keep me out of the bad…but it’s like when you think your family will listen to you and just get mad? Call you crazy? Im screaming for help, you can physically see I’m not okay and then your going to say I’m playing the victim? Yeah I am the victim because I’m compared all the time and judged for trying to do stuff that makes me happy! And the one thing I thought I had back at home just..ghosts me on and off and I’m so tired of it! But oooh can’t tell them that right? Im the bad guy, I don’t understand? Yeah, forgetting about me on your birthday to go get you some sex? That means more? 
          …I think I’ll leave it there for tonight. 
          I love you all. So sorry 


Hi everyone. So sorry if I haven’t been super active. My notifications are all screwed up so now my account I don’t get any push notifications. I’ve tried everything and it’s just frustrating. Also going through my stages of mental health haha. Just feels like I’ve run off people that use to talk to me all the time…but then again I know school just started back up. 
          Anyways that’s the update. If you guys know anything that will fix the notification problem please let me know. 
          Thank you! 


ang mensaheng ito ay maaaring nakaksakit
Hi love’s. I started school today so I figure I let everyone know how that went. 
          Uhh low key had a panic attack lol. I hate being social. I hate talking to people. And the anxiety of failing a class again is sitting in the back of my mind.
          Another thing that’s been on my mind it’s just you know finding friends and people to talk to because I just feel like…. I annoy people with just  talking… and I know it’s silly to think about like thinking people hate you because you’re just trying to be a nice person but it’s like mentally feels like a void and the pressure to  just be a nice person, be a bigger person, and then when shit hits the fan I feel like I’m just the most annoying person in the world.
          I dunno, I wanted to be truthful on these announcements to god know how’s many people follow this still lol. But it’s kinda like my journal in a weird way. Anyways loves I hope everyone has a great night and until next then ❤️


Hi guys 
          Uh right now I’m not in a good headspace again. I don’t know what it is…it’s like one month I’m happy and then another month I’m all sad…it’s just hard early. 
          Hopefully I’m not bothering everyone. I just feel like getting my feelings out here on the Internet would..I guess help lol. So I can get advice? 
          Anyways I hope you all had an amazing day ❤️