
omg just logged in after a year what is happening...


          I’m planning on unplublishing and deleting the royal prince and the dance committee. Looking back at both books, I realize how much I’ve grown in writing and I want to start new and fresh on this account.
          I will be publishing new stories so I hope you guys will support them as well. Thank you for all your love and support on the royal prince, I really adore all your comments and rants throughout the book! It’s really amuses me hahah. Anyways thank you so much, I hope you guys will understand.
          xx sxfthyunnie 


@urisaranghyunjinnie thank you so muchh ur so sweet <33 :((




@sxfthyunnie omg pls royal prince was my first hyunjin ff I read on wattpad and I was honestly so in love with the book (I STILL AM), I still recommend people this ff cuz the storyline was amazing and I really loved it!! Yes ik it's your choice if you want to delete it or not but just know that the ff was amazing-each and every chapter was, the ending was so beautiful I still remember all the parts so clearly!!
            Your writing was the only thing which used to make my day a lot better and I'm so grateful for that T_T <33 


Hey I started the hyunjin ff, royal prince today and I felt so into it that without knowing I completed the whole ff in 2 hrs which is unlike me...I usually take atleast 2 days for a ff mentioning the fact that my mom wouldn't allow me to use mobile phone for a long time..hopefully today my mother went to visit my uncle's so I got the time 
          Since I'm hyunjin biased I mostly read ffs on him and the fact that he's on hiatus, I really miss him alot and try to comfort myself by reading ffs..I was trying to find some nice ffs and ngl I loved this one!
          So, I just wanted to request you for making some more ffs on him or any other skz member or whoever you like to, I just love your ideas/imagination sense...I know you are busy with your own school stuff so I won't force cuz girl same ×_× 
          Anyways really loved the ff and looking forward to the new ones! Stay safe and healthy and don't stress yourself too much♡ 


I miss Hyunjin too don’t worry we all do :(( thank you so much for reading and following! It means a lot  don’t stress yourself a lot too. :,))