
Yoooo 8k views what!? Where did y’all come from?!?


Holy hecc the dance for Easy is amazing
          Not only can you see how in sync they are, you can hear it to.
          Everything’s heccing on beeeat!!!
          Their expressions too. Uuuugh!
          Why are they trying to kill me?


I just had a conversation with myself about how weird I am.
          It went like, “You ever create something and know that this ain’t it, chief.”
          “Like, this ain’t it, chief”
          “I don’t know why I like saying ‘this ain’t it, chief’”
          “This ain’t it, chief” x 3
          “Why am I so weird?”
          “Because I can be” *hair flips*
          Then, I proceeded to make a concerned face at myself in the mirror.
          And I said, “BUCKY BARNES!”
          Because my hair looks like a replica of his hair. I photoshopped his face on my hair and it looked the same.
          After, I made weird faces at myself then faked a mike drop before leaving the bathroom.
          Yes, I had this interaction with myself in the bathroom.


I feel so honored that people actually like my fics. Thanks y’all.


I feel like I should write a disclaimer though. Have it say, “This is purely fictional, and I don’t intend to upset someone by writing this. I don’t believe any of what I’m writing is true or relates to the people (or person) I’m writing about. If anyone I’ve written about says they’re uncomfortable with people, like me, who are writing this stuff I’ll immediately take it down. Again, this is FICTIONAL, therefore none of it is true.