omg hi can you believe im still alive the fremione phase came back from the dead yall and im rereading old fics (probs wont update or add to TLTNW but i have no clue how far this phase will go bc honestly i never expected it to resurface anyways) but i just wanna pop in and say hi also its been three-ish years since i last dipped my toes into the fremione waters so im sure a lot of new fanfics have been written that i havent heard off so if any of you have any recs (preferably multi-chapters, smut free/minimal smut, and on ao3 so i can download it) you can drop it here (or on my tumblr if youre not comfortable here! im @well-herdogdied there) i love yall and if you can give me good recs i will give you my firstborn child istg xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo AJS <3