— it’s been a while, huh- fr, though. i’m sorry for not being all that active on here for the past two months or so. I got caught up in a lot of stuff happening in my life, but- I’ll my best to be more active!
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— it’s been a while, huh- fr, though. i’m sorry for not being all that active on here for the past two months or so. I got caught up in a lot of stuff happening in my life, but- I’ll my best to be more active!
— it’s been a while, huh- fr, though. i’m sorry for not being all that active on here for the past two months or so. I got caught up in a lot of stuff happening in my life, but- I’ll my best to be more active!
At the market, the enhancer had been running some errands, picking out fruits most suitable for a delicious treat. He was currently scanning honey optics over a sea of fresh, cerise apples, weaved basket wrapping around his nicely toned arm and waiting to hold the nutritious treats for him. Gon backed up after picking a select few, unfortunately bumping into another customer behind him. “Woah! Sorry about that, ma—” the young hunter’s apology had been cut off when he recognized the feminine figure in front of him. “Bisky!” The male exclaimed in excitement. “Woah—what are you doing here?”
" A Floor master? Really? " She’d repeat after Gon, before crossing her arms. Although Bisky was, admittedly, a little surprised at the fact that Zushi had managed to become a Floor Master at such a young age, she was still proud of the young boy. " I wasn’t aware of that, but.. I wonder why he left his position. " The Woman pondered herself for a few seconds, before shaking her head and averting her attention back onto Gon. " I shouldn’t be surprised much anyway. He is Wing’s student after all. " " New Students? Oh, no. Not really. " The Blonde would raise her hand and do an up and down motion with it as her eyes fell into a lightly lidded state. " I didn’t find any people with genuine potential, although some caught my attention, they squandered whatever capability they could’ve attained foolishly. " Despite being very selective with the individuals she decided to train, Bisky still remained a good mentor, as gon had thought. She hadn’t taken any people under her wing in a long while, and mostly took advantage of said factor to venture out for more precious jewels to analyze. She was a Stone Hunter, after all. And a genuinely dedicated one at that. ; NONONO- IT’S FINE, DW ABOUT IT
“Oh, really?” A small pout came clear on his facial features, shoulders dropping as if they were no longer needed appendages. “That sucks! I wanted go check on them! You know, Zushi was a floor master!” He informed the former, excitement filling his voice with the thought of actually witnessing how much stronger the young boy became after his years of relentless training. His eyes glazed over her physical status, and he couldn’t help but grow nostalgic from all the training she had him and Killua endure. “You haven’t found any other new students, have you?” Gon asked curiously, fingers clutched around his backpack straps tightly. She was an amazing teacher, and her methods of training paid off—he could announce that with no hesitation. “I hear we have a couple more hunters that passed the exam!” ; OMG SO SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY, I GOT BUSY OUT OF NOWHERE :’)
@jankendrip * - She’d nod her head as words continued to tumble from the young man’s lips. Truth to be told, Bisky hadn’t expected to run into Gon out of all people. It had been literal ages since they had spoken to Eachother aswell. Nevertheless, a bright and joyful expression continued to adorn the female’s features. Despite knowing the slightly negative aftereffects that came with altering her body, she always kept her original form as a ' last resort ’ option if she ever had to engage in combat one way or another. And even then, The Nen Master was a genuinely terrifying force to reckon with. Bisky was not an individual to be underestimated in the slightest despite her flamboyant nature. " I see. " She spoke firmly, both of her hands still resting atop of her hips. If she was again being honest with herself, Bisky hadn’t kept in touch with her student much, but had still managed to communicate with him fairly well. " I haven’t spoken to Wing in a while, " She started off, " But I do know both him and Zushi left Heaven’s Arena a long time ago. " The Woman spoke calmly, skimming through her memories as she continued to communicate with her former student. " They’re probably off somewhere doing whatever by now. " She’d finish her trail of thought, focusing her attention back onto the young male standing afront of her. " That’s generally all I can tell you, Gon. "
Roaming around. That’s all that Xena seemed to be doing as she traveled around. The woman had been up at the crack of dawn, tired bags forming under those cerulean optics of hers. Walking towards the nearby cafe of wherever she had been staying for the night, Xena found herself tiredly aiming about, nearly stumbling into a young woman of petite stature. “Ah, I’m sorry! I’ve been so tired lately. I didn’t spill your coffee right?” she asked, zaffre lashes kissing her porcelain skin as she blinked rapidly.
@hidden-gems ༒ "You haven't? Well, I'm sure those two would love to see you again!" Xena chirped, drumming her keratin plates against the glass of the coffee mug. The woman found her own smile illuminating at just the sight of the older woman's own smile beaming like a thousand suns. "Besides, I'm sure they would love to keep learning from you, their master and teacher." Idly swirling the coffee stick around in her caffeinated beverage, Xena tilted her head softly to the right, azure locks falling in canon. "I see. That sounds quite the adventure!" Resting her chin upon the palm of her hand, Meteor City's Ice Queen let her mind wander. "I've been a Hunter for quite a while, but I haven't decided which type of Hunter I want to be." Xena gently twirled a strand of her oceanic locks around her lithe digit, a soft glimmer of hope becoming chatoyant in her sapphire irises. "I'd love to hear about your adventures and what kind of jewels you have been able to procure over the years!" It wasn't often that Xena would meet other Hunters outside of the Heaven's Arena where she works as one of the Floor Masters. Xena hoped she could befriend the older woman, from whom she could both learn from and spend time with. ༒ SO SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY IVE BEEN SICK AND RACKED UP WITH UNI WORK AND JUST :sob:
@icevibes * : Bisky would nod, afterwards tucking a few loose strands of her bright locks behind her ear. Taking another sip of her coffee, her calm hues would attain a small gleam of nostalgia within their surface once Gon and Killua were mentioned. " Those two, hm? " She’d ask, her soft smile soon transfiguring into a brighter one. " I haven’t seen them in a long time, actually. But I’m glad to hear they remember me atleast. " Taking a few moments to think of a genuine answer to the ice Queen’s question, the woman would furrow both of her brows. For whatever reason, it was a somewhat taintful question to ponder herself over. Nevertheless she still managed to have a genuine answer. " Search for precious jewels, of course. " She’d state firmly, although you could notice a small hint of determination and flamboyance within her voice. " I’m a Stone Hunter, if you didn’t know. I dedicate my time to finding some of the world’s rarest jewels to be known, and or discovering them aswell. "
@hidden-gems ༒ Smiling at the permission granted to call the older woman via her nickname, Xena took her coffee cup from the waitress before taking a sip of the warm liquid, feeling her body have an unusual warmth contrasting the usual ice it had been used to. “It’s wonderful to meet you too, Bisky — san.” Xena let a smile grace her lips as she tilted her head. “I’ve heard a lot about you from both Gon and Killua.” She couldn’t help but let a small chuckle escape from her labias as she remembered the tales the two kids had regaled. “They’re really fond of you, and I’m glad they have another female figure they can look up to.” Her own maternal figure had died as a result of Kurapika’s Nen, but even then Xena had no qualms about it. It just simply been Pakunoda’s time. “What are you planning to do in this town?” The Ice Queen inquired, continuing to sip coffee as she drummed her nails on the wooden table.
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