You dead?
@IsaiahWarner7 Yeah, I'm trying to find a source of inspiration, looking at its TV series, another fic and story, comics. But at one point it kind of made me lose interest, because I had an internship going on, and I had to catch up where I was lost. It just, made me feel hopeless that's all. but thanks for the hints, I appreciate it.
Maybe read some other stories to get some inspiration? Like there's another assassin story but it's Korra x asami. There's a lot of great lok stories out there. Your at the end of season 2 in your story. So read those stories starting at that point, make notes of what stood out to you about each individual story and go from there
@IsaiahWarner7 No, I'm alive, I just lost a bit of writing inspiration, because I'm hitting rock bottom.