it's been 3 years... thank you for being someone who supported me to hell and back, thank you for reading my stories and my drafts and being an absolute sweetheart
i hope you're doing great Ras, take care
This post is for Mare Barrow and Mare Barrow only.
And I just want to say that she is AWESOME. As a scorpion, as a stupid teenager, as a glass sword, as the little lightning girl and The Red Queen.
There is not one day where something small plays in my head again and again, until it becomes over embarrassing.
Like why did I even do it??
It's when you extend your hand and they open up their arms for a hug. And you both are just smiling awkwardly. Why? Can we just escape this awkward encounter and forget this ever happened?
@fire_fly017 yaaas!!! Thank you so much (hahaha I don't care, virtual will be consumed while I'm dreaming ) oh here you go, not some scoops but 2000 pints of butterscotch with several toppings!
@hiddenepiphanies okay! So a 1000 mint chocolate chip ice creams to you from my side!! ( I know it's virtual, but still hehe)
And in return, I'd like some scoops of butterscotch :D