
hello everyone, this is vivy. i know it’s been a long time but i’m here to say i’m leaving wattpad, and i’m not coming back, ever. this isn’t what i truly wanted, i was being manipulated into thinking i liked this when i always knew deep down i didn’t, feeling can be complicated though. truth is i was not only groomed into this but i was pressured by those around me and even just looking at these stories now sickens me, it was never supposed to be like this, i apologize. i’ve found a group of friends off the site that helped me realized this wasn’t okay and i was able to escape this. i also found out some more things about myself while i was gone that i don’t think i could have expressed here. i hope you can all understand, goodbye..


hello everyone, this is vivy. i know it’s been a long time but i’m here to say i’m leaving wattpad, and i’m not coming back, ever. this isn’t what i truly wanted, i was being manipulated into thinking i liked this when i always knew deep down i didn’t, feeling can be complicated though. truth is i was not only groomed into this but i was pressured by those around me and even just looking at these stories now sickens me, it was never supposed to be like this, i apologize. i’ve found a group of friends off the site that helped me realized this wasn’t okay and i was able to escape this. i also found out some more things about myself while i was gone that i don’t think i could have expressed here. i hope you can all understand, goodbye..


Hellooo there


@_CageyPotato_  i’ve been good i’ve been offline for a lil while but i’m making a comeback also sorry for the late reply :(


How're you doing? It's been longg


Don’t pay attention to this pls: the best parts of A/B/O fics is when the omega gets pregnant and the omega and the alpha grow so close and clingy and fluffy with each other and I just can’t-


this message may be offensive


I need to write a one shot focusing just on that, hold that thought


I just realized I commented something that was obviously a joke and someone went off and tried to push their emotional issues onto me and told me to stfu like bestie it was entirely satire, stop trauma pushing I understand you're upset but you don't have be a jackass to someone else because someone treated you like that...


Omg why am I so nerbus naurrr


@megustaelcum todavía estoy tomando clases de español, me sorprende que pensaras que mi español era bueno; -;  (también perdón por responder tarde: P)


Oh, joder. No me había dado cuanta que estás escribiendo en español, uso Wattpad online para leer historias en inglés y tengo el traductor puesto... Waaa, q pro


Wow... Siento que me estás entendiendo demasiado bien, no creo que un traductor sea tan bueno, ¿Sabes español o algo así?