
Just published “Where Are You From?” in “Anything & Everything” ☺️ I hope you guys enjoy it! ❤️


Hello hiddeninchaos,
          Thank you so much for following me! I hope you enjoy reading my stories and poems as much as I love writing in them. They’re fun to create and I’ll update as soon as possible. 
          You’re amazing; thank you! ❤️
          — Fallon Elizabeth 


You’re welcome! 
            That’s exciting, can’t wait to read more! ❤️


Added “Song Lyrics” to my “Author Info” ☺️ it was so hard to choose but more will be added!  
          I always feel you can tell a lot about a person by what they listen to haha. I’d rather know someone’s zodiac and favourite song lyrics than their favourite food  
          Hope y’all enjoy! ❤️