
Did you guys know that the GB/SB fandom was on AO3 (not much but some)? Because I sure didn't. I'm going to start cross posting over there as well. Might be a bit slow to get all of the stories moved and I might not post all of them over there but if you want to check it out I'll be there. Much love!


Hi. I just finished reading breaking the code for like the 10th time and was wondering if your ever going to come back and continue the second book. Cause i would love to see how it ends and hopefully they get a happy ending. You are such a great writer. Thanks, have a great day or night. 


Hi there!
          I just finished Breaking The Code in 9 hours (and cooked dinner and put kids to bed).  I'm looking forward to book two when you can get to it.
          I'm going for encouraging, not nagging, bullying, passive aggressive, or assumptive.  Did I manage it?


Hi, I enjoy your book. I know the feeling of just dropping everything else to read, now write as well. Don't feel alone. There are a lot of us out there. Where do I find AO3? 


@MarlienD1 just search AO3 online and it will pop up. My username is the same but it's mostly Harry Potter stuff!


Did you guys know that the GB/SB fandom was on AO3 (not much but some)? Because I sure didn't. I'm going to start cross posting over there as well. Might be a bit slow to get all of the stories moved and I might not post all of them over there but if you want to check it out I'll be there. Much love!


Hey Loves, I have a question. Yes this is completely for my amusement because we all know by now that I do not decide things, you do not decide things, it is all up to the character overlords. So one of my characters in one of my fics from the Academy world decided to mess me up mentally and say "Hey what if I DIED right after this really awesome thing happens?" Best part is, is that this is so far from happening in the affected book I want to cry... also HELP I DON'T WANT IT BUT NOW I DO BECAUSE CHARACTER SAID SO.
          So thoughts?


@Monkey5764378turtles  I'll try to talk them out of it 


@midpark21 yeahhhh idk lol I'm trying to talk the character out of it but we'll see lol


@Kai-tie27 I feel lol. I'm trying to talk them out of it