cherry !! i love cherry so much mmm ! ( he answered with just as much vigor , eyes widening . it was true , most of his suckers were cherry - flavored and the male’s lips were often stained an artificial red . ) you ?
( returning the action , he adjusted his bejeweled fingers in hers , starting towards the entrance of the place but looking to flora , dark irises shining when focused on her . )
oops . yeah , that happens a lot on accident . ( he answered , slightly
cocky in his skills to make people
blush , grin burning on his lips as the
boy returned his chocolate hues out
the window . )
tch , november 29th . ya don’t gotta get me anythin’ , all i want is you . ( he answered , the words sounding cheesy but his tone genuine , eyes going from the scene out the window to flora . )
too pretty to be an old woman . ( he whispered under his breath , turning to the window and letting the wind tousle his hair . ) hmph . my birthday is … kinda far . whatever —
damn , old woman . you’re older than me ! ( he laughed softly , rolling his eyes and separating from her to enter the passenger side . ) fine , i’m better with motorcycles anyways .