I actually read your book like 3 years ago. I do say I miss you a lot and hope you find happiness in your DR I’ve stopped trying to shift a long time ago due to doubt but I’m here to try again! I hope everyone is safe on their journey and happy I wish you guys best of luck 111 222 333 777 ❤️

these comments are all from 2021-2022 but you guys have it all wrong, they didn't "respawn" or any of that. I am personally happy for them for finding a home they want to be in. in the last chapter they specifically wrote that "the clone" won't say anything, they haven't killed themselves to be in another reality, their family probably doesn't even know that it had happened as nothing happens in this reality when you shift unless you genuinely do something for people to miss you, Mean while Goth is just living in a different reality instead of this one Nothing bad happened to Goth!

oh my god r u still in ur dr?! is ur clone doing everything? thats so cool-

Wait I just noticed something: On her reading list there is a shifting journey,from another person who wants/wanted to respawn too I-

hey! Are you back? Please don't tell me you actually shifted permanently! You shouldn't have chosen your DR over your actual life. No matter how much you love that world, or how much you call it home, it just isn't. -Love, Pluto!

i really can’t let go of this person, i’ve been checking on their profile every few months in hope they might post something saying their back

are u still alive ? did u come back from shifting? are u okay ?

Damn, did this person really ditch this reality as a whole to go date an explosive anime porcupine???

I feel like I would permashift but only if I completely lost myself and hated everything in my life, no hate to others who want to permashift for other reasons. Im just sayin for myself, but yea. I hope this person is vibin though. I havent shifted yet, but I will, so its cool.

Hey everyone who does read this after all this time i just wanted to say that most of the stuff in this person's book was misinformation. You DON'T NEED a script for some its just easier. You CAN go to horror series/films it doesnt hurt you when back in your cr and everything is completeky fine, you can shift wherever you truly desire! You DON'T (if you script) make it long simply a name, age, birthday, safeword is already enough just imagine the rest. Methods are NOT needed, i shifted without them and a lot of people do dont feel forced to use them because other's say so for everyone it's different! I just wanted to say that the author probably got their information from Tiktok and loads of information on Tiktok isn't true. I'll tell ya this even if you don't shift to Harry Potter universe most shifting books on those that have atleast more then 50k reads are trustable as the Harry Potter shifting community completely did research for their books. (most do atleast) so yeah thats a small tip! Here is some motivation for you: ~You will shift tonight! ~Shifting is like breathing or blinking. ~You can finally be with 'them'. ~You already exist in your desired reality and they miss you! ~You are like everyone else capable of shifting. ~You matter here and in youre desired reality, but youve been here for long so go and visit the other's who need you! ~Just lay or sit maybe even stand! And just shift, just do it c'mon i could do it so can you! ~it took me 15 months so shift, and my life in my desired reality is AMAZING so can yours be! I care about you and you matter take youre time and take care of yourself <33 -Jenna

@ Luka_is_hawt you can do either, you can script it if you want. A lot of people do script it for reassurance but it is not necessary. If you keep in mind while shifting that you want to be with someone in your dr it will happen. After it is your reality!