
Assalamualaikum Stormers! Chapter 14 is now out alhumdulillah! I dare say you don’t want to miss this…


@highdisdain they day has come! this story has been updated 


@highdisdain oh this day just got better


Asalamualikum, I can't believe I started this book 7 years ago, I changed so many accounts but this book with some more was and always will be my constant Insha'Allah. I miss them so much and wish to know what you have in store for us. JazakAllah for writing such a masterpiece. The only reason I still have wattpad is your book. May you flourish more and always be in good health. 


Walaikum Salam habibti! JazakAllah khair for your beautiful words. I am so so happy my book brought you joy alhumdulillah  Have you read Silver Skies yet? It’s the sequel that I started writing again a couple of months ago ♥️ 


Salaam Salaam! 
          I saw a notification on your response to my comments and I just wanted to clarify since I can't privately message you and can't find the comment. My pinpointing of Hudayfa's character as abusive isn't an attack on you or your writing, I mentioned in a comment that it was beautifully written and as someone who just recently downloaded Wattpad again cringing over the books I used to read as a teen—I still stand by your writing being beautiful Masha Allah and would STILL want to read the story for the political plot. 
          However, as someone who continues to suffer health consequences from years of abuse despite moving on and forgiving as well as a certified psychologist I now feel very disturbed by the kind of stuff that we're selling for young girls in the books I used to read. I remembered yours because I loved it and, as you must know, have been running my eyes over some chapters and I was horrified at his character and how romanticised he was and have been leaving these comments summarising his symptoms that match abusive and narcissistic men to raise awareness as I have been doing on other books because this is what made me stay in my abusive household so long and God knows how many other girls like me's harmful delusions are being reinforced.
          That being said I completely get how romanticised abusive men were on this app 7 years ago and would never hold you accountable for the first book—I had re downloaded this app to delete my first book around 6 years ago for the same reason despite me posting a chapter on why my character should NOT be romanticised after being horrified at myself by the end of the book. Alot of other authors did the same for fear of influencing girls. 


@Hijabi_09 And I agree that I could've replied in an eloquent manner instead of getting bitter about his character in my comments. I'm sorry about that and I really want you to know that I enjoy your story and writing both back then and now and it isn't okay for my comments to just focus on his character and ignore literally the rest of the story and characters being so well written when I left so many. I see how I came off and apologise for that.


Salaam, I appreciate you girl honestly I was so concious of seeming like I was trying to tear you down! And that's what I meant by I'd still want to read your book for the political plot is that it's clear the romance is just a side-plot and Falaq (and the all well-written side charcters Masha Allah) are dealing with the main story at hand and has very realistic responses to the situations she's put in (given her well-supported background) and I'd definetely love to read silver skies on completion. Im pretty sure that's what most of your readers are taking anyhow and the ones that just view Hud as just a good-looking man will do so to any book anyways so it isn't in your hands. And like I said I was 100% in the same boat as you when it came to being influenced by the place Wattpad was years ago and would never judge you as a person for that especially with such a golden plot. Jazak Allah Khairan for all you do and may Allah put barakah in it for you!


Rewritten* jazakAllah khair for your message, and I truly appreciate your sentiments. When I wrote Hud I wanted him to undergo a genuine transformation, and in shaa Allah in the sequel Silver Skies you’ll see that happen. You’re bang on that 7 years ago wattpad was definitely romanticising men with serious behavioural issues and I have to say I was probably quite influenced by that as well (or at least I thought it was normal-ish). I do plan to substantially edit Golden Storms, especially the wrist chapter as it is not something I stood by then or now, but at the time I felt it demonstrated how despicable his character was at the start of the book. I think now there are other ways to illustrate it. I think also an important factor in both books is that Falaq does not seek to be loved by Hud. This was important to me - she does not suffer from heartache or by a desire to be loved by him. She is very focused on what she has been taught and has a greater purpose in mind. I would like Muslim girls to pick up on that when they read my book as well, and not be too dazzled by a man with good looks. I hope that we are all smarter now than my generation because truly we had such little access to other Muslim women openly speaking about the reality of marriage etc. I appreciate you leaving comments on my book, though I think sometimes the tone and delivery has been a bit rough! However, I believe your messages will be beneficial to my readers in shaa Allah. 
            I am excited for you to read Silver Skies on its completion, but it’s totally up to you whether you wish to proceed or not. I do not know you but I am proud of your efforts to educate other Muslim girls from your experiences, in shaa Allah with the sincerest of intentions. 


Assalamualaikum Stormers! Chapter 14 is now out alhumdulillah! I dare say you don’t want to miss this…


@highdisdain they day has come! this story has been updated 


@highdisdain oh this day just got better


Assalamualaikum Stormers! I hope you all enjoyed chapter 13. Make sure to share the series with other readers! Your support means a lot. For post-chapter chats join the Stormers Instagram page @highdisdain! JazakAllah khair ❤️


@highdisdain Loved it , I  am super curious to see Falaq handle the situation.


Hey! I don’t know if you are accepting reading requests or not, but it would be great if you could give my book a chance if time allows. Feel free to vote on it if you enjoy the book and give your thoughts and reviews through comments on it. Thank you for your time, and I apologise for the inconvenience.


This sounds amazing, thank you for sharing 