Rewritten* jazakAllah khair for your message, and I truly appreciate your sentiments. When I wrote Hud I wanted him to undergo a genuine transformation, and in shaa Allah in the sequel Silver Skies you’ll see that happen. You’re bang on that 7 years ago wattpad was definitely romanticising men with serious behavioural issues and I have to say I was probably quite influenced by that as well (or at least I thought it was normal-ish). I do plan to substantially edit Golden Storms, especially the wrist chapter as it is not something I stood by then or now, but at the time I felt it demonstrated how despicable his character was at the start of the book. I think now there are other ways to illustrate it. I think also an important factor in both books is that Falaq does not seek to be loved by Hud. This was important to me - she does not suffer from heartache or by a desire to be loved by him. She is very focused on what she has been taught and has a greater purpose in mind. I would like Muslim girls to pick up on that when they read my book as well, and not be too dazzled by a man with good looks. I hope that we are all smarter now than my generation because truly we had such little access to other Muslim women openly speaking about the reality of marriage etc. I appreciate you leaving comments on my book, though I think sometimes the tone and delivery has been a bit rough! However, I believe your messages will be beneficial to my readers in shaa Allah.
I am excited for you to read Silver Skies on its completion, but it’s totally up to you whether you wish to proceed or not. I do not know you but I am proud of your efforts to educate other Muslim girls from your experiences, in shaa Allah with the sincerest of intentions.