
@megmc98 paper towns and looking for alaska. There really good!!


Heya! I saw your post on the “Want To Meet New Friends” Thread in the Café. 
          I think it's pretty cool you do a lot of sports. :) I can't cause I have weak links. >.< 
          I have still to read a John Green Book. But maybe when I get to it, we could fangirl together?


Hello! I'm Meghan, saw your post in the café friends thread. I am a big fan of The Fault in Our Stars too, but that's the only thing by John Green I've read. I want to read some of his other books, but I'm not sure which one. What's your favorite?


You like alot of John green? Okay that's cool. Thanks for following me, even though I dont have a clue why. But anyway, i'll read your books when I get around to it. (and i don't mean that in a snobby way, i mean it in a 'i just have lots of books i'm reading right now' kind for way) 
          See you around the inter-web-net-atron