Hey, guys. Figured I should make a post since I’ve been M.I.A. lately. I’ve kind of been offline for a while now and haven’t been writing like I wanted to—I’ve been rewriting Fantasy Land, but it’s been on-and-off again.
I’m not sure when I’ll get back into writing. I guess I’ve just been taking a bit of a break after writing nonstop. I’ve been trying to pop in and write here and there, but I usually can only get myself to write a couple of paragraphs before closing the app.
I also got a full-time job and also am attempting a part-time together, so I’m not even sure how frequent I’d be writing.
Also, my birthday is coming up—shameless plug. My birthday is on the 30th (this month) and it’s so crazy how time is flying.
But in the meantime, I hope you still enjoy the ones I’ve got out.