


Alec baby I love you with all my heart;Olivia 
          Logan baby you’ve given me and daughter and love for the past year I love you;Mayra 
          James holy damn I fell for you the day I started talking to you and I know our little peanut loves you too;Zara
          Sam fxck I love you more than words can even say;Emma


*smiles and hugs you*
            *smiles and holds our angel*
            Always and forever 
            *smiles hugging back*


I love you with everything and anything I have Olivia. You are my greatest blessing -Alec 
            I love you so much, I’ve loved you with my entire heart and I will continue to love you with everything I have. -Logan 
            I love you both so much-James 
            -hugs you tight- I love you too princess. -sam 