
My hoco date missed the deadline and now I can't go :/ idk what to do
          	He asked his mom for permission to take me, and she didn't want him to, but would consider it more if one of his friends was taking someone. Well, none of them are, and they're all just going together instead of asking. So, he missed the freaking deadline because he couldn't figure out what to do or convince his friends. It's not his fault but I can't help but be disappointed, yk?


@hiiamspirit  |  that sucks a lot :( maybe you guys can do something else instead of hoco? Like a you-and-him thing. It might be a bit more special that way


we haven't ever interacted before but i think it's your birthday today?? happy birthday *throws birthday cake*


@hiiamspirit i saw you mention it on someone's message board lmao X3


@muddypawss- omg it is! Thank you so much! How did u know lol


My hoco date missed the deadline and now I can't go :/ idk what to do
          He asked his mom for permission to take me, and she didn't want him to, but would consider it more if one of his friends was taking someone. Well, none of them are, and they're all just going together instead of asking. So, he missed the freaking deadline because he couldn't figure out what to do or convince his friends. It's not his fault but I can't help but be disappointed, yk?


@hiiamspirit  |  that sucks a lot :( maybe you guys can do something else instead of hoco? Like a you-and-him thing. It might be a bit more special that way


this message may be offensive
I wish I knew there was something to explain the perpetual state of annoyance, frustration, and misery I've felt lately. Like I've just been sad and angry and violent by default, and idk why. Anyone have any answers?
          Everything and everyone is kinda pissing me off ig. And no I'm not on my period. But apparently I'm a disgusting failure who can't do anything right or get her shit together so I suppose that could be a reason, but that was a few days ago so I can't explain how I feel today.


@hiiamspirit of course! I’m glad it actually helped you and hope it will continue to do so ^^


@TheMemoryBoy Thank you so much Memory <3
            I had my class retreat this weekend, which was a nice distraction and an awesome chance to get to know my new classmates better. Doing stuff with them made me a lot happier.
            I'm trying to look at more positive stuff right now. I'm still upset but at least I'm not doing more to make myself upset. I've been drawing more and talking to friends more. I really appreciate your advice


My mood tends to fluctuate like that too, feeling like this ^ but also not exactly knowing why.
            It could be due to: the previous things you’ve been feeling, consuming sad/depressing/angering media, not having many recent accomplishments, or something else I can’t think of right now. I don’t exactly know how to help (which I’m sorry for) but my only piece of advice is that you should try watching your favourite shows, listening to your favourite/more positive music, do some art! It might help, it might not, but whether it’s A or B, it might just take your mind off of the way you’re feeling.
            Feel better soon <3


You know what’s absolutely fascinating? Stoic fatalism. I had my first film elective, and to help is get started on ideas, the teacher suggested we look at The Dictionary of Obscure Words. Look it up! It’s a collection of fake words that follow real rules from various locations, with new meanings that don’t exist with other words. The words aren’t names for objects and things like that, but more like complex feelings and ideas that aren’t exactly called anything in less than a phrase.
          He challenged us to make our own fake word and base a film off a character experiencing that feeling. I was making mine but realized it was really similar to stoic fatalism, but more broad. So I went down a rabbit hole of research papers and philosophies around stoicism, fatalism, free will, and apathy. It’s all so cool. I’m sidetracked but this would make a really fun research project.


Brother got his first major injury through a bike accident this morning, right before school starts too. No more football season or video games.
          Both his arms are in full cast, and the right one is in a sling too. Left arm has a fracture in the radius and right is something with just the elbow, but both are really bad, hence the full casts. He can’t use his left hand, thank goodness it’s not his dominant, either.


I will never understand why Twilight is one of my dad’s favorite movies and he frequently rewatches it (as in the first one because he thinks the others are terrible)


I watched most of the first movie and I cringed like 20 times. The movie’s just super weird to me. I don’t know why tho.