
Enjoy reading COMPASS!!


@KutieKaytie yeah ok thanks, and i totally agree with you i so want to be like Katherine and tear of Elena's head


Girl it’s all about practice and development. You have to have a consistent writing style for people to stay reading the book. Now I’m not an expert on people reading and actually commenting but what I’ve seen is in books people like to have one character to hate, if not it becomes boring. In my case it’s usually Elena Gilbert that people put all their hate into. Which is fine because after reading a billion and one stories that involve Elena I kinda want to rip her head off too. That being said it’s all about the progress, I’ve been writing for almost four years now. Not on the same account obviously but I’ve been writing for about four years. And let me tell you my work from today and my work from three years ago would actually blow your mind with how bad it is. But now I’ve developed a writing style I like to call it angry writing, most of my characters are angry and super closed off. But it’s not like that for everybody you just have to find your own writing style. If you have any questions feel free to pm me and we can talk about it (: