hiiii so I'm finally backkkkk-and I've got a few announcments to make.
1) I've deleted my art book. After over 5 months of practicing, my art style has changed(for the better, fortunately), and I personally think that my older art is not 'good' anymore, so yeahhhhh
2)I've unpublished all my greek mytho. books. The writing style were just too cringy! I'm not sure if I'll ever re-write or re-upload those though-but if one day I'm feeling confident enough with myself I'll probably re-write those and upload them.
3)I'm starting a new art book that revolves around my oc, futuristic! The book will consist of art(either commissioned or done by my friends and I) and poetry(by my friends and I). There's no set upload date, and it'll just all be random and according to my mood :)) (All the art and poetry featured will be watermarked, and all forms of photobashing/theft/reuploading are prohibited!
4) I've changed my username and bio. A lot. :)))))) sorry if you don't recognise me-I used to be Futur1st1c if you were wondering
5)I'll be online more from now on. I'm really sorry for continuously neglecting my account and socials, and I really apologise for not replying to messages fast enough.
Ehhhh, that's pretty much it. Thank you soooo much for reading:)