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not a fan of the king of the pirates? 


[ the picture is torn and crumpled before she could further analyze it too much. she didn’t know where her thoughts had gone, only that ace seemed uncharacteristically stern. ]     alright alright,  let’s go.    [ giving the discard photograph one last glance, she takes his hand before leading them out of the old bar. once outside, she turns her head to look at him ]     is everything okay? 


@lasheds ,    clearly.  there’s nothing to see.  [while ace feels it’s unlikely for liezel to piece together things on the picture alone,  he still feels unsettled by the way she looking between both him and the former king of the pirates.  she was the last person ace needed comparing the two,  so his hand reaches out and quickly crumples the paper in one quick motion before letting it drop to the floor.]   quit getting distracted,  we have places to be.


[ an eyebrow quirks upwards at the tone with which he answered. however, her eyes remain on the faded picture pinned to the wall of the bar. there were plenty other ones but the infamous pirate’s features had captured her attention entirely ]     in just a second..      [ she sent ace a glance but halted when she was met with features she had just seen in the photograph ]     i think im seeing things. 


we have to blend in so put this on. 


oh i could never do such a thing to you.     [ matching his dramatics with a playful glint in her eyes. with a nod, she giggles softly ]    mhm,  got weak in the knees and everything.     [ slowly she pulls away from him, picking up a purse that matched her dress from the bed, her whip curled up inside of it ]     come on,  we don’t wanna be late to our first fancy banquet,  now do we? 


@lasheds ,    and deprive me from one of the greatest sights the world has to offer?  seems cruel.  [he speaks dramatically,  but he’d certainly miss the usual cowboy attire from liezel if she were to ever make the change.]   oh,  you swooned now?  must’ve missed it.  was too busy swooning myself.


does this mean i should ditch the boots and shorts from now on?     [ an obvious joke, the thought of changing her wardrobe so radically absolutely impossible. the kiss is returned, followed by a chuckle as her arms wrap go around his neck ]      that maybe true but i literally swooned just now when i saw you.  


i am only here to talk,   nothing more.   you do not have to look so threatened by me. 


@hikenesu ҂               and what makes you perceive me as a ‘no good marine’?   i have done nothing to warrant such a..   displeasing comment.      (    although a smile scrapes across her porcelain visage,   hands go behind her back and clasp together,   eris only then tilts her head as she stares at the pirate.    )      i believe that information will remain confidential,   considering that we are not friends for me to give away such.   however,   i do have a minor inquiry..   ace.      (    a pause,    )      do tell me where luffy is,   you see my higher ups are itching right now to put him behind bars,   and i aim to please.   if you tell me i assure you that you will not meet the same fate.


@pirateroots ,     threatened?  me?  i’m perfectly fine.  just don’t see what a no good marine is doing around here,   your kind usually don’t venture off this far.   [tilting his head,  his eyes are narrowed at the other.  he didn’t like marines at the best of times,  but he especially didn’t like marines sticking their nose in places they shouldn’t.]


looks like you’ve got an admirer. 


[ a shred of still remaining ego kept her from looking away from him, eyebrow raised as amusement danced in her eyes ]     you wish.  i just wanted to eat in peace and her gawking was distracting. 


@lasheds ,    the angry look on your face told me otherwise.   [he tells her,  leaning closer to her from his seat.  a smirk pulling at his lips as he keeps his eyes locked on her]   you got a crush on me,  lizzy? 


actually,  i kinda told you to do the opposite.    [ reaching across the table to pick up a french fry from his plate, taking a bite off of it ]     but im not complaining.    [ she says without really thinking about the possible implications ] 


you’ve barely eaten anything.  consider me worried. 


@lasheds ,    [exhaling at her words,  he allows himself to lean into her touch a bit longer before pressing a kiss to her collarbone as he pulls away.  he’s not sure it’s normal to love someone this much,  but he’s in so deep now the thought is trivial at best.  what did it matter anyways when sometimes he was sure that she felt the same.]   i guess that’s true.  [chuckling,  his smile returns as he’s showered in her kisses and affection]   it’d be mean of me to let you go through it alone. 


i promise.     [ and she means it with every fiber of her being. there was no one else in the entire world who could ever have her heart the way that he did. they were brought together by some force greater than life itself and now a life without him was unimaginable. ]     now..  you and i both know i can’t eat all of this food on my own.      [ carefully she pulls away just enough for him to lift his head, unable to resist giving him a few featherlight kisses on his cheeks and lips ] 


@lasheds ,      [if there was anyone who could make him happy in his lows,  it was liezel.  she was the one for him,  ace was sure about it.  and more sure about it than anything in his life.  the words “i don’t want to leave you” dance at the tip of his tongue,  but ace knows better.  so all he does instead is chuckle at her words with her,  he’s never felt as appreciated as he does in her arms and maybe one day he’ll really believe what she’s saying.]   promise?


/ kicks you


/ i’ll sell you away to a farm like a dog ):< and you can have fun with the sheep


@enamordel   /  ok sheep go be a follower somewhere else :P


and i just like to bully you


your crew mates are all real nice.  and very funny. 


[ even if she had to repeat it a hundred more times,  she happily would.  it was no thing to take lightly that she said those words to him.  never having experienced a love like this after swearing it off.  but there was no other explanation for her feelings when it came to him,  even if she struggled to initially come to terms with it.  without a doubt in her mind now,  she steps closer to him again ]   yes,  portgas d ace,  i love you.   [ her hand reaches up and rests on the side of his face,  thumb brushing his cheekbone.  her heart drums quickly,  letting out a nervous chuckle ]   how’s your ego doing now?  


@lasheds ,     [overcome with a mixture of emotions, he’s not quite sure what to say. ace was rarely speechless,  but it’s only fitting that someone like liezel could render him so. this wasn’t the first time and it certainly wouldn’t be the last, but it was the most memorable.  his lips flicker into a smile, trying to suspend in his disbelief as he knew liezel wouldn’t lie to him about something like that.  it’s the part in him that thinks himself unlovable that’s having a hard time though.]   yeah?  you love me?  [he has to ask one more time,  a mesh of desperation, hope, and pure love swirling in brown irises.] 


[ she wasn’t sure how he’d reacted to her proclamation of love.  it was something she’d wondered since she accepted that was exactly how she felt.  his stumble makes her worry a little but she simply nods ]   with every beat of my heart..  i don’t expect you to say it back,  it’s just been on my mind and it felt like the right time to say it. 