not a fan of the king of the pirates?

[ the picture is torn and crumpled before she could further analyze it too much. she didn’t know where her thoughts had gone, only that ace seemed uncharacteristically stern. ] alright alright, let’s go. [ giving the discard photograph one last glance, she takes his hand before leading them out of the old bar. once outside, she turns her head to look at him ] is everything okay?

@lasheds , clearly. there’s nothing to see. [while ace feels it’s unlikely for liezel to piece together things on the picture alone, he still feels unsettled by the way she looking between both him and the former king of the pirates. she was the last person ace needed comparing the two, so his hand reaches out and quickly crumples the paper in one quick motion before letting it drop to the floor.] quit getting distracted, we have places to be.

[ an eyebrow quirks upwards at the tone with which he answered. however, her eyes remain on the faded picture pinned to the wall of the bar. there were plenty other ones but the infamous pirate’s features had captured her attention entirely ] in just a second.. [ she sent ace a glance but halted when she was met with features she had just seen in the photograph ] i think im seeing things.