
          	I know I disappeared off of the face of the earth, I'm sorry. Bad news, most of my stories are gonna get taken down. Good news, they're all getting pretty makeovers and I hope they'll be better after (fewer plot holes, grammatical errors, etc). Not all of them are going to be affected and they're not going to be taken down at once. I just wanted to make you guys aware in case the story disappears from your library (I'm not sure if that's what happens, but I assume so....). Anyways, wanted to let you guys know and I'm so excited to actually get some quality content published. Love you guys and thanks for bearing with me through my ridiculously long hiatuses.


          I know I disappeared off of the face of the earth, I'm sorry. Bad news, most of my stories are gonna get taken down. Good news, they're all getting pretty makeovers and I hope they'll be better after (fewer plot holes, grammatical errors, etc). Not all of them are going to be affected and they're not going to be taken down at once. I just wanted to make you guys aware in case the story disappears from your library (I'm not sure if that's what happens, but I assume so....). Anyways, wanted to let you guys know and I'm so excited to actually get some quality content published. Love you guys and thanks for bearing with me through my ridiculously long hiatuses.


Hi there! Just wanted to say, I think your super funny and cool! I saw your fancall on CDawgVA's video and I just absolutely loved it! I had to look up your Wattpad right away because honestly how could I not? Anyways, have a good day!
          A fellow weeb/otaku with love~


@stripesmcgee Awww just saw this thank you so much!


Hey, I just wanted to apologize for my slow down in writing recently. I had been planning on entering Blood Spilled, Secrets Revealed in the Watty’s, but because of some recent problems in my life, I was unable to finish the fifth part (fourth chapter) in time. I want to be completely transparent with all of you and explain what happened. Last month, me and my boyfriend that I’d been on and off with for about a year broke up. It was one of the hardest breakups I’ve been through and left me hollow and unable to bring myself to do anything for a while. During that time, though, I wrote letters to him. Never sent them, but I wrote them. If you’re interested in reading them and understanding more on what happened, check out my short story, Unspoken, for more details. Anyways, wanted to explain that and get it out of the way. I’m not completely better, but I’m functioning and writing again, so more chapters to other works will be posted. Love y’all!!!


          I've been really busy and due to that, I haven't had much time to upload, but I've worked out a way to update that works with my schedule, it just won't be as often I used to. I'm starting a cycle where I update one story per week. Depending on how much time I have will determine how many chapters are added. I'd like to say thank you to my wonderful followers and I am extremely sorry for the lack of activity. I promise it WILL change, hence the new cycle. I'm off to a English I now. Bye!


So, guess what guys! I'm sick. I've pretty much lost the top 50% of my voice so I can't really sing. I can still speak, but singing is looking like it'll be out of the picture for the live stream. I've also decided to do it on YouTube. I'll do the Q&A, and if I feel up to it, I may sing, but I don't think y'all want to hear me die. Thanks!