
@Jordy_Marie  OMG!! I'm a bit sad that the first book ended but I honestly enjoyed it so so so much!!!!!! But I'm also superly happy that there is more books to come :D Loved the ending! hahaha your story is like my most favorite on here so I can't wait till the next book starts :))) 


@himelily8 haha, Thanks! I am really researching a bunch about Ireland for the second book (they go to there for a lock-down). I'm excited and I am really looking into publishing my book. I still am going through and editing it all and I'm updating GTCF with the updated/edited version.


@Jordy_Marie  OMG!! I'm a bit sad that the first book ended but I honestly enjoyed it so so so much!!!!!! But I'm also superly happy that there is more books to come :D Loved the ending! hahaha your story is like my most favorite on here so I can't wait till the next book starts :)))