@Jordy_Marie OMG!! I'm a bit sad that the first book ended but I honestly enjoyed it so so so much!!!!!! But I'm also superly happy that there is more books to come :D Loved the ending! hahaha your story is like my most favorite on here so I can't wait till the next book starts :)))
Hey, just uploaded the newest chapter of Ghost Tracker Case Files book 2! It's chapter 6, Amelia's POV, in the Sweeping Willows lock-down
@himelily8 haha, Thanks! I am really researching a bunch about Ireland for the second book (they go to there for a lock-down). I'm excited and I am really looking into publishing my book. I still am going through and editing it all and I'm updating GTCF with the updated/edited version.
@Jordy_Marie OMG!! I'm a bit sad that the first book ended but I honestly enjoyed it so so so much!!!!!! But I'm also superly happy that there is more books to come :D Loved the ending! hahaha your story is like my most favorite on here so I can't wait till the next book starts :)))
@himelily8 I know! I actually finished The Ghost Trackers Case Files book one! Now I'm moving on to book two. So far I have at least three planned. Maybe four but I'm not sure.
@himelily8 Thanks and you're welcome! I'm working on the next chapter now, and with all the snow days I've been getting, it should be up by the end of the week for sure!
@Jordy_Marie Omg haha I looooved the chapter!!! I'm so excited for those two and can't wait to see what's gonna happen next :D Thanks for telling me !!
Hey himelily8,
I just uploaded the next chapter of the Ghost Trackers Case Files! Chapter 21: The Beso Prize! If you're a Zack and Amelia fan then you'll be happy with the next chapter!