
Hey just posted Chapter 5 of Ginny Black! Go check it out! Please vote and comment let me know what you think and give me more ideas. I will try to post a chapter of my Drinny story soon. Thank you all for being so patient!
          	                                                                                          Love Charlie!


@hinny12lesbian  Will there be an update of ginny black pls do tell


Hey just posted Chapter 5 of Ginny Black! Go check it out! Please vote and comment let me know what you think and give me more ideas. I will try to post a chapter of my Drinny story soon. Thank you all for being so patient!
                                                                                                    Love Charlie!


@hinny12lesbian  Will there be an update of ginny black pls do tell


Hey just posted a new chapter please check it out of the Dinny story!!
          Hope you all have a great rest of your day/night
          Talk to you all soon
          And I will post and chapter of the Ginny Black story soon I am working on it at this moment.
          Glad to be back!


@hinny12lesbian cant wait for a new update on the drinny story


Hello My lovely followers so today I was looking at some Ginny Weasly fanart to help write a chapter I then ran into an article that I really just hated you can read it for your selves Here: https://amyrae2609.wordpress.com/2013/12/26/why-i-hate-ginny-weasley/comment-page-1/
          The person who wrote this is just hating on Ginny Weasly because Ginny did not always do everything perfectly. Now let me explain Ginny could not always be perfect because perfect does not exist you can not always be an angel you will make flaws and will be mean to people even if do not mean to. Also, they fail to mention that  Ginny shares some of these traits with Hermione and other Harry Potter characters. This just makes me so upset. But not only does she bash Ginny and call her a Mary Sue she then tries to change her character to be more perfect. When Ginny does make mistakes it makes her more likable. So that is my mini-rant about this article when I can say so much more. Hope you all have a great rest of your day please tell me your thoughts on this Article.


@hinny12lesbian  thanks. I think you're a really amazing writer. As soon as I read that reply I was so excited. I'm about to go read the chapter now! Can't wait


@wonderfulGibby  Hey just posted a new chapter and I totally agree with you. Your comments help me write this new chapter so thank you for supporting me.


Ikr. It just kinda makes me angry. Like everyone in the Harry Potter books had their own issues but everyone seems to hate on ginny. Like it's as if they only watched the movies and didn't read the books tbh. Anyways can't wait for you to update your story! <3


Thank you all so much for over 700 views on my book Ginny Black. Thank you all so much. And 20 votes and all the comments. I am so glad you all like my book. Also thank you for the 30 views and 5 votes on my Drinny story. Thanks!
                                                                                                       Love Ginny Black


Hey, my Sunshines I am holding a vote on which cover should be my new cover for my Ginny Black book. The vote can be found inside the book please vote by commenting. I will end the vote on June 25 U.S. So that gives everyone one week. So please give your opinion. 
                                                                         Love Ginny Black 


Hey just posted a new story. It is a Drinny story. (DracoxGinny). Ginny does get sorted into Slytherin so if this is your kind of story please read it. Also, I will continue my other story I try to post every day so each story will be posted every other day. ( Sorry if this message sounds rushed it is 1:50 am when I post this message and the first chapter of my book may be horrible but it is still 1 am sooo)
                                                    Love Ginny Black