@xiuhcoatl. is my discord user for anyone wondering and wanting to continue a roleplay or start a new one :) don’t forget the “.” at the end of the user
@hirosensyk honestly yeah I get that like but like at least keep the old convos and rps I had with people like ... the way everyone ran to get discord was even crazier too
IM SORRY 2 EVERYONE WHO WANTS A RESPONSE IM SUFFERING FROM VARIOUS MENTAL ILLNESSES WHICH HAVE CONSUMED ME ONCE AGAIN :laughing emoji: anyways besides the relapse of stuff everyone shld be replied to by tomorrow or so. just drained recently and been focusing on not so good things. talk to my fave rp buddies soon mwah kisses for u all
trying so hard to find that one manga where that omega prisoner has a tooth fetish and he's like sexualizing the alpha guard or whatever AND WHEN I LOOKED IT UP IT GAVE ME CATBOY YAOI HENTAI >?@?>@