May I simp ? <3
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※ cb for one liners + mood or i'll chomp
May I simp ? <3
Babie babie ,, this acc is cute <3
id. @-dollysms ※ shh i aint a queen,,, you're more superior and lovely anD PRETTY HEREEE
@STOICISMS ※ eat it then
⠀⠀"good afternoon, wick..!" ⠀⠀the blond postman greeted the other as he entered their room, a smile present on his face, bright as always. he was sitting at the desk, writing his letters as per usual. he seemed a bit more chipper today, which was.. odd? perhaps. he was always looking happy, but today, it was like he was a bright sun.. or was that too much? ⠀⠀"you seem to like spending time with miss ann's cat." ; snacc
id. @silencedelivery his doubts were confirmed. victor was feeling troubled. he wants to know what it is, to shoo his troubles away, yet he cannot do that when victor's putting a fake act. why do humans do that? why does victor pretend he's okay when he's not? wick never tried to conceal his feelings. he was a dog after all, how could he hide his excitement when his tail gives it away? yet humans could do so. crying inside, laughing outside. probably to toughen themselves up, not others who can only watch by the sides and do nothing. which is his current situation. wick cannot do anything. wick can't help him like he always does. the only good thing he can do is send letters. that way, he could be helpful for victor. " you're .. sad. it's obvious, and you know that i can already tell but .. " his gaze flickered to the side for a moment, pausing. he never finished his words, as he left them hanging. ※ yes
⠀⠀there was an uncomfortable silence that settled after wick spoke. the weight on victor's shoulders became heavier, and his heart dropped to the pit of his stomach like a heavy rock. victor pressed his stitched lips together, as he set down the neat letter and forced out a small laugh. "where'd that suddenly come from?" ⠀⠀a hypocrite. victor grantz was a hypocrite. he hates people for always lying to each other's faces, always faking their empathy for their own benefit. yet, despite that, even he, when he spoke, lied. he knew it was wrong, yet he continued on like a fool. perhaps .. ⠀⠀perhaps he should have simply not spoken. lived his life like the past; silenced, with no right to speak up. perhaps it'd have been better then. ; n o ;(
id. @silencedelivery finally gazing at victor, wick could feel a sad aura radiating from him — oh no, did he do that? he must have said something to wrong to upset him .. feeling guilty and concerned, wick stood up, leaving the bed to victor. though, a small part inside him told him to leave him alone, since he might need space. maybe he shouldn't. once, as a dog, he always couldn't help to cheer him up other than snuggling closer, so maybe ... he can do it. with words. if he finds the correct ones, that is. " you're a very good person. probably the best owner in the world, too. i cannot find words to describe you more but, whatever problem you're facing, victor, you're not alone. i'm also here with you. " somehow. he thinks he did it. ※ ew ye s
your lip .
; biTH I GIV UP WE AINT oof — * he blurted out by being pulled by the hem of his shirt . he wasn’t surprised as wick i s a dog that they are fast at running . *
id. @cattyasfuck ahh,, gotcha! * wick says as he grabbed joan's shirt to stop him from running. somehow, he caught up to him. * ※ STFU NELLE WE BOTH AINT SLEEPING IF WE'RE LIKE THIS
※ cb for one liners + mood or i'll chomp
; let's just say that wick mysteriously gone human , and i don't know what to put here wick ? you're telling me you're wick ?
; ayeee
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