
Hey guys, I currently have chapter 2 of MS done but I noticed I'm not getting many readers on that story but that could be because it's only one chapter so far so I will male yall a deal. Get me to 15 readers and I'll give you chapter 2 while I finish up chapter 3 


Hey guys, I currently have chapter 2 of MS done but I noticed I'm not getting many readers on that story but that could be because it's only one chapter so far so I will male yall a deal. Get me to 15 readers and I'll give you chapter 2 while I finish up chapter 3 


Guys, I just noticed only some of you are voting and commenting and some are not. I'm ok with you only commenting at the very end of the chapters if you want but please vote on all the chapters so I know if your reading it all or just skipping around on my book