
Okay I lied. I will no longer be continuing Black Wolf Cry or the series. Half the characters are owned by somebody I no longer write with and it would feel wrong to use them. So I won’t. 
          	Stay tuned for nano updates regardless. I am being willed to do preptober so keep an eye out for a new story in a few weeks. 
          	Thanks y’all. 


Okay I lied. I will no longer be continuing Black Wolf Cry or the series. Half the characters are owned by somebody I no longer write with and it would feel wrong to use them. So I won’t. 
          Stay tuned for nano updates regardless. I am being willed to do preptober so keep an eye out for a new story in a few weeks. 
          Thanks y’all. 


Alright everyone. I'm gonna go ahead and apologize for my absence, and also give a much needed update. As of right now BWC is unpublished. I've decided that I'm going to rewrite it. I was reading through it and found so much that needed to be better so I'm gonna try and make it that way. In the meantime, I've also decided to continue Sara's Letters, and you should be seeing a new chapter of it by Christmas. 
          Black Wolf, Cry has been my baby for so long, but it's in great need of some good editing and fleshing out. Also, and I hate saying this, I'm getting too old to keep writing Ashe. So this will be the last one for her. After that it's on to other things. I know, I love her too, but I've got some other ideas and things that I want to get off the ground. I'll also be updating my bio to include some of my other social medias so you all can see what Wolfie's been up to.
          For you all that have stayed followers, and those of you who followed while I was gone, you're the best and thank you for sticking around. 


Okay, so as you may have guessed, BWC is going to be getting updated a lot slower as I'm branching out a bit towards writing more poetry. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten though. I'm working on a new chapter that will hopefully be out sooner rather than later. In the meantime, I'm going to be publishing a lot more free verses, spoken word, and maybe a few songs as well, so stay tuned for that. 
          On another note, I'm really sorry I just kinda disappeared. Life keeps getting in the way of me writing anything lately. I will try my best to be more present though.
          Love you guys! Thanks for sticking around!


Hello Wolfie luvvers! I'm sorry about my hiatus the last few weeks. I was sick and pretty much slept the entire time. But on the plus side, I got a job again, so hopefully, I'll be able to have more inspiration and less boredom.
          My updates will be getting a little less frequent as I'm going to be working my ass off for the next few months. I'M GOING TO AUSTRALIA THIS SUMMER! :D
          Anyway, as always, I love you guys! Another update is coming soon, probably within the next few hours, so stay tuned!
          Walk with the moon,


Oh my, you guys. New Years saw me pretty messed up. This is why we don't drink vodka, children.
          Anyway, I really hope you all had a great holiday season and are ready to go back to work/school/unhealthy cat collecting, etc. Once again, I hope this year brings you all the awesome and none of the bad stuff like writer's block and tumblr addictions and other, worse things. 
          There are a whopping two new updates for Black Wolf, Cry out for the reading, courtesy of sleep deprivation and Ed Sheeran-fueled inspirations. So have fun with that. 
          Be safe, and give love wherever you go!  There's not enough of it in the world today, so lets change that a bit this year, shall we? I love you guys!
          Walk with the moon,


Allo, wolfie luvvers! Quinn here with a quick update on coming events. After the last few chapter releases for Black Wolf, Cry, I can officially say that I should be posting normally now. 
          I know I've also got some other stories I need to get posting on, but I've cone to realize that those were, sadly, tools to help me get over my writer's block. In case you were wondering, no they didn't help. xD So I won't be continuing a couple of them. Sara's Letters will be the one that I do continue. A friend of mine read the two chapters I did write and he loves it. If you haven't checked it out yet, you should. I guarantee feels.
          Anyways, that's about it for now. I love you guys! Your reads give me happy feelings. And don't be afraid to drop a message if you've got suggestions for things for me to read or write. I'm always open to those as well as questions or comments or...anything really.
          Walk with the moon.