
how do i pin tweets


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oop there it is. shit


HI GUYS so I'm about to board in like an hour and I'm soo ready to go back to Cali. I'll update soon so don't worry, and I want to end this story if possible on Halloween. The weather by Narita airport is so cloudy and cold I'm in love. I really hate the sun. I went to an anime store in harajuku and I held back. I did. I bought a nozomi key chain and a kageyama coaster UGH ITS SO CUTE and the gatcha also gave me a hinata keychain so I'm really happy. I should've gotten this hella adorable makoto orca figure thing but all of the free stuff was SO EXPENSIVE RIP.


so I saw mission impossible today and it was kinda funny how you could definitely tell the difference between American and Japanese movie theaters. Of course it had subtitles, but the crowd hardly made any noise, even at the funny parts. Anyways, I was basically the only one quietly giggling at the funny scenes. But yo people brought stuff like whole McDonald's meals and I'm just here like??? Amazing.
          Also got two fashion magazines for art references, but stupid me only got ones for girls. I'll definitely need to get some for guys later.
          Today was fun tho.