
Ayee guys! Oouu I like this book I have hella good plans for it! Go check it out ! Plz


Hay guys! Good afternoon. Happy mother day to all of y'all mothers and have a blessed day. 
          I wanted to write but I don't know what book you guys want me to write so comment and let me know. 
          Xoxo Lexi ❤


Hay loves!
          Six parts of skinny is out make sure to go read it!!!! Its kind of a short story but I'll write more than just a few words a chapter just had to give it a start. 
          Go read it, like it, and add it to your list means a lot! Also go tell your friends to read it too❤ 
          Xoxo lexi 


Hay loves! Ok so I uploaded my other book - me and you - guys tell me how you like it and comment .Tell more people about my book so I could write more ! Only two more books to go!
          Love you! 
          Xoxo Lexi❤


Hay guyyssssss! First of all I just want to say I love all my followers and readers out there y'all motivate me to write and its incredible because I've never really though of being a writer but now here I am thinking of having a career. This is what I love to do and with your guys help and  encouragement I'm getting there so thank you! 
          Ok now big news! I've got 4 books that I'm working on for you guys and there new I didn't publish them yet but I published this one book called skinny go check it out. I only did a little but just let me know if you guys like it so I could continue it. 
          Thx loves  
          Xoxo Lexi