My apologies for not updating any of my stories anymore. I'm actually not okay...I seriously not. After losing my dad on 2019 and followed by my grandma after a year and now last year I lost the only parent I have and supporter. I don't know anymore. It's like losing my hope in life.

@hkshirayukihk hey, long time no see.. sorry to hear that, things like that shouldn't happen like this.. I mean, I hope you'll get better ♥️ v-v

@ hkshirayukihk omg! I'm so sorry for your loss.. I know you are having a hard time, but don't give up on yourself! Take your time to mourn and rest. I am just a stranger in the internet, but I hope you can be happy and in a good place! My condolences and good thoughts for you.

@hkshirayukihk I am so so sorry. :(( I also lost a couple of family members since 2020, I know how terrible it is. I hope you find the strength inside to go on, because it's really tough. Lately, I've been thinking that maybe the dead are luckier than us, because the world today is the most horrific hell I can imagine. At least they will be spared the terrors of the future we all poor souls will have to endure. We are the ones punished, I think.