
in other news i would really like it if you guys would read the new fic i posted even if you dont play genshin and leave some comments or whatever i'm very proud of it!


... hey... how y'all doing.... 


usually on kaveh may go back to kar 


i'm more active on discord if you wanna talk so yeah </3 


life has been wild 


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i am going to have a meltdown. oh my god. rehearsal tdy was supposed to start at 9am, 9:30 and like half the cast isn't here. there are about 14 of us. furthermore only a few of those have valid reasons to not show up, while others gave no or last minute notices and consistently don't show. it makes it SO difficult for the cast who DO show up and the director and costumes and stuff to actually do stuff when most people are missing. we were supposed to finish it today but we had to stop and do specific scenes bc literally the major cast had three people in attendance. some people are sick, one gave several months notice for an event, that's unavoidable. but when you CONSISTENTLY don't show up for rehearsal knowing you've committed to the cast and therefore making it difficult for everybody... literally we had to stop a good chunk of the cast from coming in bc without key members we couldn't do much and there wasn't any point, but some were already on their way and they had a wasted journey. it's absolutely exhausting for the members who always are on top of rehearsals bc we have to bear the consequences of their not showing up and have to compensate in other ways. it's not fair to us nor is it fair to the director, bless her, she nearly cried this morning and i wanted to hug her. a lot of the new cast (relative to last years production) are responsible for this disparity and it's so tiring bc it falls back on more experienced and frankly committed cast members to double down and REMIND them of every rehearsal or when they have to be off book. a production is a team effort especially with a small cast and it's just... fucking hell


so tiring


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YOU joined knowing full well it was a commitment and by staying and accepting the role you SAY you are committed. so fucking show up to rehearsals because it is YOUR responsibility to do so and it is out of basic respect to everybody involved if you have no valid reason to not be there to show up and do your part. be learning your lines when you aren't there and don't fuck up everybody's days, especially saturdays, by not showing up. some of these people are so disrespectful and completely out of touch with what it means to be a performer and in a play like this. when everybody else is made to compensate for your mistakes, you need to reconsider. we're already on our second last rehearsal before holidays and by the time we come back everybody should be off book. i have no faith and as one of the cast whose been in multiple productions and is at almost every rehearsal, it's so tiring. im not even trying to say like oh i always show up, i mean it as in have some basic fucking respect for everybody involved and show up, do your part, stay committed. a show doesn't come together overnight.