I sympathise that you would like to monetise your work and am willing to pay a fair price. But since you've moved to Good Novel it has become prohibitively expensive. To read the book I was engrossed in before you monetised it, it would now cost me $35, to read just a single book. On audible it costs about $8-12 per book depending on your subscription, and the books on Audible are arguably more professionally produced. Given a choice I would rather support the artist directly as opposed to lining the pockets of a massive corporation but $35 per book is more than I can afford.
I understand if you choose to keep this current system but as a fan I hope you reconsider and make your work more accessible. I loved reading it and am gutted that I can't finish it.
Either way, I wish you success and hope that I can contribute to it.
All the best, Ella