
Alpha Reid and the Hybrids update.
          	This book has 14 new chapters. It originally had 149 chapters, But now it has 163.
          	I was editing the book and as I got to the end I was very unhappy with the ending. It was very rushed, Theo's story was very rushed. 
          	I wanted to see Theo come out of his shell more. I wanted to see some more awesome sex life between the three of them as Theo becomes more sexually comfortable with them.
          	There's also a lot about Mark in these chapters.
          	And of course a curve ball. 
          	For those loyal readers who were commenting on all the chapters through book 1 and 2 and made it to the end, if you wish to read these chapters let me know.


@hmbritt, I have caught up... Thanks 


@Wangari2018 That's why chapters were already closed when you came on


@Wangari2018 I just opened the next chapter. I'm closing everything right away because my editor is keeping a close eye on me. Lol


@user67865397 unfortunately I can't put maddox's book on any other platform because I signed an exclusive contract with GN. 
          GN does have a reward system where you can earn up to 55 coins each day. You can get 20 coins each day you check in, five coins when you read for 15 minutes and 10 coins for reading for 30 minutes. You can also earn up to 15 coins by watching ads. This usually allows you to read two to three chapters for free each day. 
          When I was reading I would buy a small package of coins and collect my 55 coins each day, and that worked out pretty good for me. 
          I don't read anymore because I just don't have the time with writing. But if I was to read again I would continue doing it like that. 


I sympathise that you would like to monetise your work and am willing to pay a fair price. But since you've moved to Good Novel it has become prohibitively expensive. To read the book I was engrossed in before you monetised it, it would now cost me $35, to read just a single book. On audible it costs about $8-12 per book depending on your subscription, and the books on Audible are arguably more professionally produced. Given a choice I would rather support the artist directly as opposed to lining the pockets of a massive corporation but $35 per book is more than I can afford. 
          I understand if you choose to keep this current system but as a fan I hope you reconsider and make your work more accessible. I loved reading it and am gutted that I can't finish it. 
          Either way, I wish you success and hope that I can contribute to it. 
          All the best, Ella


What about you other books like the broken alpha one are there contracts with all of them


@hmbritt thank you for replying I will see if I can get the good novel app on different platform app is not available on my phone might be able to get it on iPad


@hmbritt hello, I really want to read alpha Maddox story but GN is too expensive, is there a possibility to purchase the ebook somehow? Or if you publish on patreon or smth ? 


I'm really sad I figured out how to get good novel on my phone on browser really want to read your books, don't know if I can the price is quite high and I don't know how to pay for it since it's in a different currency and app is not compatible on my phone  your books are so good  


Hiya... I'm still trying to find your books.. I would live to reread them.. are they on another platform or under a different name... please let me know...


@Meltheaussie I looked it up her books are now available on good I really want to read them I'm pretty sure you have to pay money she has a link on her broken alpha book on what pad, the app is not compatible with my phone so I can't read it


Hey did you remove your books from here? What happened? 


@hmbritt good decision. I was checking up on you because I haven't heard from you for a while and then I saw that your books have been gone. Wp is being hella wierd. I didn't even a notification that you've replied to me. Are you on shadow ban or something? 


@hmbritt omg I'm so sorry that happened to you. Wp is being wierd. Why would they pull down a whole book just because one person reported it. Isn't there like a review process? It's so disappointing. Have you tried contacting their support team? Maybe they could help. It's worth a try.