
I honestly don't know what to say. It's been a long time since I've been on here; I sincerely apologize for not updating my stories. Truth is, I thought nobody cared about them, but seeing the new followers and how Hollow Hatred has almost to 1,000 views is crazy to me. Thanks to @vampirechick213 and @DarkestSmiles for the very nice reviews, and anyone else who approved of my writing. I know it's not fair to keep putting writing off, but when I wrote my stories I was in a very dark place. I'm worried that if I start you guys won't like it because I've changed myself so much since then. I just wanted you guys to know that it means the world to me, and sorry for this long, mushy reply lol smile. :)


I honestly don't know what to say. It's been a long time since I've been on here; I sincerely apologize for not updating my stories. Truth is, I thought nobody cared about them, but seeing the new followers and how Hollow Hatred has almost to 1,000 views is crazy to me. Thanks to @vampirechick213 and @DarkestSmiles for the very nice reviews, and anyone else who approved of my writing. I know it's not fair to keep putting writing off, but when I wrote my stories I was in a very dark place. I'm worried that if I start you guys won't like it because I've changed myself so much since then. I just wanted you guys to know that it means the world to me, and sorry for this long, mushy reply lol smile. :)


I'm glad you like the chapter! Though I wish I could have made it longer but hey I'm good with it. Next chapter is going to take a while b/c I'm between that story and the first of the series. But glad you liked it.


Thank you so much for the dedication. Your story is wounderful and very intention getting. Love how you write and trust me there are very little stories that are easy to follow. Keep it up! Can't wait for the next chapter!
          Oh and they are still shutting down a lot of discussion. So hate this. They need to go through the Share Your Story Club and shut down some of those discussions. Sorry. Love the story, keep going!


@Bluecat93 They shut it down? Oh, I had no idea. And I completely understand. I don't like it when people posts Read for Read or Comment for Comment. I think it's somewhat sneaky, but that's my opinion. If you have a story, you would want people to read it because they like it, not because you closed them in a deal, right? Or is that just me? Lol, Idk. But thanks.


Hey I just learned that they closed down your disscusion. You don't have an advertising. I have seen plenty of advertising and making deal disscusions. Share Your Story Club wants you to make deals so they can get people to read their story and that is not how I see reading! Reading should be about who loves to read your story because they want to read it not because you made a deal to get more reads. Now I may have went to the wrong diss


@iluvdrakeandlilwayne I read it, and I like it! I thought it was funny how she beat up her teacher xD but I don't think anyone would do that in real life, but hey, it's a story with NINE brothers in it, anything could happen, haha. Anyway, I like it and I'm looking forward to the next chapter. :) Btw, I love how you spelled Xavier!