just a random post.
happy new year everyone. last year was kinda hm to be honest. lot of joy and grief. meet new people. lost my favourite tho. but its fine. she seem happier now. she’s better with someone else and im okay with that (im fucking not) apart from not crying and mourning every night. apa siol.
decided to focusing more on myself from now on. so yeah haha gn
just a random post.
happy new year everyone. last year was kinda hm to be honest. lot of joy and grief. meet new people. lost my favourite tho. but its fine. she seem happier now. she’s better with someone else and im okay with that (im fucking not) apart from not crying and mourning every night. apa siol.
decided to focusing more on myself from now on. so yeah haha gn
fon aku rosak jadinya tak bole update another chapter… for those who waiting, im sorry sbb takde lg bende aku nak karang. aku pun dh lme tk bukak wtpd skrg.
jaga kesihatan diri dan family :)
p/s nak nc pm je haha