
Hi hello! I wrote the majority of the next chapter but my storage system had a freak out and I lost all of what I wrote. I already screamed, cried, threw up and grieved the disappearance of my work—so I’m slowly retyping everything back for the next chapter of deciphered!
          	Also if you’re into BTS— I will be releasing a vampire JK smut fic for my dear friend’s birthday in time for Halloween  stay tuned for that! It will come out first before the chapter 


just reading this is making me cry omg


@hoeneymilktea write on google docs, or atleast copy paste ur work there everytime u log off. if u lose it everywhere else it will be auto saved in ur google acc!!


IM GOING TO BE THE Person TO SAY IT , BRING BACK THE OLD DECIPHERED PLSSS I Loved IT no other story has felt the same plsssd


@Honchomocho OMG ILY WHAT  but icanr access it can you message me it?


I really love your story because it has actual good plot without going on cycles 
          Other stories ive seen go like this: the male and female break up, male goes and "wants to experience new things" while cheating on the female and going back. Then this cycle repeats before finally ending
          And i love how if a male approaches the female, no matter the situation, she should say no. And you did just that in your book. She said no, and thats it; no follow up of extra 10 chapters of angst and even more complicated relationship.
          I love your books and your plots, please continue like this