
Nothing makes me tweek more than maiting for someone im interessted in to answer my messages-


Trump supporters are some of the most ignorant and bad at arguing people ive EVER seen. They keep interupting the person they are arguing with and play the game of “who speaks the loudest wins”. Its honestly annoying and i give my hat to dean who was so patient even after getting cut an insane amount of time.


@MrsKarakas LITERALLY!!! Like wth just let him speak what are you doing girl?????? The disrespect was insane


Girl i‘m just watching the debate with dean and then just randomly opend wattpad and saw ur comment. And i agree with you does woman who didnt let him speak annoyed me so I needed to distract myself


Im gettinf seriously annoyed by people who leave me on delivered on a regular basis. Like wdym i answered you in less than 10 seconds and you leave me on delivered for 17 HOURS?!? Like huhhhhhh- did you throw your phone under your matress and went in a plane in 10 seconds? Like i domt get it and its annoying.


@urqueefqueen i cant block them but like lets just say im not my most  active replyer after


I think people dont understand that if we have plans and you find some “problem”/“excuses” i will find a solution until you tell me dirrectly that you dont wanna go/dont wanna do it- cause like it annoys me so much when people try to cancel on me last minute with some lame excuse that dont make any sense like be creative at least-


How can someone be willingly friends with someone that says the n word but isnt black-? Im confused- and also how can they defend them?? Im even more confused


@hayleysblood RIGHTTTT???? I was flabbergasted-