,, BUMPS INTO U oops this js kinda long ah .. excuse me .. ( he shivers , tugging down his sleeves ) i didn't know people lived here .. no matter . ( he mumbles before continuing ) apologies for bothering you but .. i am -- lost . i couldn't help but spot you and .. well , i was wondering if you .. could shelter me for tonight ?

/ @trvelarts WINGMAN !! l - love ! that's quite the accusation there , don't you think ! ( emil laughs nervously , heat creeping up his cheeks . he nearly dropped his soup on the floor . ) i mean we are close but , , , th - that's private ! ( he sighed , getting all worked up about it . )

,, @holedwellinq bro i think huichuns doing it on purpose now .. wingman i see .. it seems you two are very close . i mean i suppose it could be because of your student - teacher relationship ? .. but it does make me wonder .. do you two perhaps have something more than that ? ( though his face had a look of innocence , he had a mischievous glint in his eyes ) perhaps .. you love each other ? ( he asks , immediately taking a sip of the soup he was given )

/ @trvelarts STOP ... JELLY EMIL?? no , no it's ok ! ( emil chuckles , taking a small sip from his soup . ) albedo is a very admirable person after all , they're always very kind . you should see him whenever he makes a breakthrough ! ( he laughs , thinking of the moments when he'd scramble to write something down . ) i'm very glad to be his er , , 'student'.