
Hey love ! 
          I just read your book called ' Finding Home ' and I KID YOU NOT THIS IS AMAZING . LIKE WOW . I was up till 02:42 am , my phone at 3% and to add to all of it , I had a French mid term in like 5 hours but I didn't stop 'cause well .... I COULDN'T . Like I can imagine  Tom saying all the stuff you've imagined for this book . AND AND AND ANDDDD YOU'RE A SWIFTIE ??????  DUDE I LOVE YOU . I THOUGHT OF TAY AS SOON AS I SAW THE TITLE OF THE FIRST CHAPTER AND THEN YOU REFRENCED IT TOO  . Although , it only has 4 chapters so :( . But dude , this is amazing and extremely intriuging . Like most of the books on here are all smut and if not they're pretty boring BUT YOU DARLING , THIS BOOK IS ACCURATE IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE . LIKE IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL AND CUTE AND FUNNY LIKE THERE ARE LITERALLY ZERO GRAMMATICAL AND/OR SPELLING ERRORS IN HERE . DUDE IT'S AWESOME AND SOOOO UNDERRATEDDDD.  I've voted for it , added to my reading list and shared it too . Thanks for reading this :) . Pls update as soon and as much as you can because I NEED MORE !!! 
          All the love 
          Bye <3