
@hollysparkswrites - As always, wonderful chapter from Learning to Fall. I am positively enraptured with your work. I'm not a very good beta, all I can manage to do is soak up every word and think one word in return: perfection. 


@hollysparkswrites It's a well deserved compliment. I'm happy to read it over and over. Actually I did that before reading the last 2 posts. Lol. But it had to happen for me to truly appreciate the additions to the story. 


@heatherlikestotravel Thank you so very much! That really is one of the sweetest compliments I have ever received. :D I really am so far behind on updating that story, it really is pitiful.


Hi @hollysparkswrites Happy New Year! I'm begging for an update on Learning to Fall. Any chance you can put me out of my misery sometime? Hehe. 


@hollysparkswrites Send me a PM about the beta and I'm happy to take a look at it. I hope you get settled soon with your schedule. I'm also getting used to a new schedule with a part time job I just took. So lately I've been sleep deprived. I've also only had a little bit of time to write. But I'm working on unpublished stories at the moment. 


@heatherlikestotravel  I began a new job last week, with a completely wonky schedule for training. Writing around sleeping, or the nonexistence of, has been interesting. I will always welcome another opinion, on anything I write. If you're interested, you could become another Beta for me as well. I could list out what all is involved in a general critique, and you could go from there? Having a second Beta for Learning To Fall and any of my other works you would wish to look at,  would be awesome. :)


@hollysparkswrites Glad to know that you are happy. ::Gasp:: I should have thought to become your beta. But I've never done it before, so I'm not sure how good I would be. Seems like your plate is full; I'll try to be more patient. Optimum word being try. :)


Hi @hollysparkswrites - I just finished reading what you have posted for Learning to Fall. And from the comments, you'll see that I'm totally into it. With that said, I felt inspired to create a simple cover for it. However, I don't exactly know how to send it to you.... I will look at forums to find the answer and I'll ask some people on WattPad that make covers for people at their request. But I just wanted to let you know that I simply used the Covers by WattPad app to make it. I think what I will do is post it to a new book, maybe you can see it that way. This is the only way I know you can get it. Oh, and I will not be offended in the slightest if you aren't into it. This was just a way to show my appreciation to you. 


@hollysparkswrites - Thank you! I saw that. I'm really glad you like the cove; I had hoped that I captured the story well enough to do that. I can't wait to read more. 


@heatherlikestotravel Just letting you know, in the description I credited you for the cover you made. :) Thank you again!