So you know how sometimes we get so pissed off at our family.our parents or siblings.if I was you all I would be carful of that kinda thin..cause it only takes 1 minute to lose someone you love so much.and think about this least you have a family...someone to call mom and dad....sister or have people to call your family...but there is people out there who dont...everyday we take family forgranted and we shouldn't....can you see itself without your family...for 9 months of my life...I didnt have my mom...she was workinin north Carolina at the time...and my dad wasn't around either...he had problems...I was raised by mmamaw and papaw...I did everything for them......standing,walking and I called my mamaw now I'm not close with my parents but I'm glad I have them....I have almost lost everyone I have now more then once....I have lost a lot of people in life...I don't wanna lose anymore....I can't if I ever did I would end my life....I have seen things that a kid should never see or hear....I stay sad......I want everyone to understand what I'm trying to say....never get pissed at your only takes a minute for them to be gone mom falls asleep coming home every morning...she a night shift dad has had neck surgery and if he moves wrong or over does him self it could kill blood sister has a heart problem.....she could have a heart attack and die...and my adopted siblings real mom had leukemia.... so they could to.....I don't care about my life as much as I do my family's lifes....please please please always tell your family's how much you love them....and thank them for what they have gave up for you guys to be happy...everyday they give thins up for you....and you may not get what you want.....but they always find ways to make sure you have what you don't be picky....thank you mom and dad....for raising me to be the girl iam now....and always being there and loving me for me