
          	I’ll be uploading a chapter for each of my stories EVERY SECOND DAY and I’m starting off some Klaine one shots  


Okay I lied but it will be more frequently 


          I’ll be uploading a chapter for each of my stories EVERY SECOND DAY and I’m starting off some Klaine one shots  


Okay I lied but it will be more frequently 


          So guys,  I'm in a bit of a pickle. 
          I want to continue writing my current Klaine fanfic, but I wanna write some others, one will be a badboy Blaine spicy fic and some kinky one shots, but if I do that now the other will be delayed.
          I'm hosting my first poll so PLEASE vote, or I'll just make up my own mind.
          - Keep writing and write other things later 
          -Write other spicy things alongside current fic (both will come out slower)


@-chriscolfer Haha thank you so much, you've been my constant supporter, it's been amazing, but yes I'll be writing other ones alongside it now! 


@beefygisella Write other spicy things alongside current fic. I LOVE THE CURRENT ONE AND WON'T LET YOU TAKE IT DOWN.


Do people want me to keep writing my book? Cos I got one read on my last chapter...
          If people have lost interest I might not write it, or at least as often


Oh, I will! I've got the whole story planned out, but I might not post as regularly sorry because I'm kinda in the last weeks of year 12 haha x


Please check out my book, it's back and updated with a new chapter, I'll try to post twice weekly, but if not it'll definitely be weekly (in year 12 this year with 12 weeks left so I'm a little busy, but I'll make time). 
          All the people who were invested before it was deleted come and read the new and improved version! :D