does anyone else find abusive/toxic people very ironic?
my latest failed relationship left me verbally/mentally abused for three years. i had grown to “fall out of love” with them and it was taking a very negative effect on my mental health,, specifically my anxiety. i wasn’t willing to end it myself at the time, due to thinking it was merely a rough patch. the last two months, however, i got very snappy and rude to them whenever they got wrongfully verbal to me, and i guess they weren’t okay with that. THEY ended the relationship, saying I was the problem. i was negatively effecting THEIR mental health. i wasn’t sure how to respond to that. i laughed honestly. just- ironic how that works out, isn’t it?
after i got a weeks break before they messaged me asking to be friends, which i thought was an insult. keep in mind, along the terrible treatment i received over the years, they were too immature to write themselves a proper breakup and had their cousin and mom do it for them. maybe i’m selfish, but i thought that was uncalled for. to have family gang up on me for something that was more then a mutual decision. i, foolishly, agreed to speak with them in group chats, but i said i was not comfortable being friends yet. they never treated me better, if not they treated me worse and i simply drew the line. i have been extremely suicidal and even landed a spot on the ICW for my local medical care facility. yesterday was bad and i made a vent to help me cope with suicidal actions. they didn’t like what i posted, said i had no right to post a video about them (in which i compared my experience with them to another ex of mine, who also abused me the same they did and physically as well) while they slept. do i not have the right to post what and when i want on my own channel? it’s under my rights, is it not? i didn’t know i needed to follow their rules, especially after a breakup nonetheless.
what should i make of this experience?