I'm angry, I went to town with my parents and we were sitting in our truck out side, the bike shop and eating some snacks, and this guy on a scooter came around the corner with a python around his neck, it was really cool! Everyone was having fun watching this snake and the guy was nice, So fast forward to when we're leaving town, and my dad decided to POINT AT HIM AND YELL "LOOK AT THAT! LOOK AT HIM!!" AND THEN PROCEEDED TO SAY HE DID IT BECAUSE THE GUY ObVIOouSLy WANTED ATTENTION?!?!? and I was pissed because why can't he just let people live there life?!?! Like- it's not that hard?! And I wanted to say something, but I'm Really bad at confrontation, so I didn't and now I wish I did... Anyway thanks for reading ( if you got this far) and let me know if your also just done with your parents, and let people live there life also your a wonderful person and I hope you have a wonderful day/night,

Yeah, sometimes it’s tough with parents but you just gotta confront them and tell them what you think they did wrong. If I wouldn’t have done that my whole life I would probably hate my parents by now