          	A petition for Alex, he lives with his mother who treats him badly. She publicly humiliated him on tiktok, posting a video demanding any friends or fans to call him a her, and go by his real name not Alex. Stating anyone who doesn't go my her rules won't be allowed to speak to Alex. Rn the video and Alex's account has been deleted, but let's hope we can help him in some way.

          A petition for Alex, he lives with his mother who treats him badly. She publicly humiliated him on tiktok, posting a video demanding any friends or fans to call him a her, and go by his real name not Alex. Stating anyone who doesn't go my her rules won't be allowed to speak to Alex. Rn the video and Alex's account has been deleted, but let's hope we can help him in some way.


The hardest part of writing smut is how the story will lead to the smut 


@TamoriRose I agree. But sometimes that can be the fun part too, especially if you try and make yourself laugh as you make it. It's really hard when your dealing with serious characters. But with a good bit of practice, you'll be able to make a light-hearted smut that has a good bit a comedy. 
            If that's what you wanna go for of course.